How old is Lily?

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 3, 2008

We're walking!

So I am in the process of deciding what to do with this blog. With our new Mac we have a web gallery which will be much easier to manage and update more regularly but I don't think they're as cute as this layout. So, for now, I will just do both and put a note here for you to link the video on the MAC webpage. And, if I do change you can subscribe to the web gallery and still get the updates. If it suggests you use a newer browser, just click "use current browser" and it should still work just fine.

So anyway, cut and paste the link and hit play on the video. It's about 1 minute long. Sorry, still can't figure out the cutting and pasting on the MAC. I'm doing something wrong. I can cut and paste evrything but webpage addresses.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Baby Ridiculous

This could be the most ridiculous thing you see all day!

Real men aren't afraid of pink...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My red wagon

So Grandma and Grandpa bought me my own Radio Flyer ATW red wagon. It's awesome. Mom is going to make me a cushion and everything! Here are some pics of me helping Grandpa put it together. I was with him all week and I think he really liked it!


Checking the tire pressure...

Taking a "break"...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lily's convertible

Okay, so it's not really hers. It's Joey's. He let her borrow it to take for a spin. We may have to buy her a pink one. She LOVED it!!! Her eyes are closed on the last one, but it's still so cute!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Jeff and I played tourist this week while we were on vacation and it was pretty cool. We had a date at the Getty one day and went to Traveltown the next so Lily could see the trains at the park. Here are pics from the trains...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lily's Birthday!

Lily's first taste of sugar! I baked all 60 of the cupcakes from scratch and frosted them as well (from scratch). NEVER AGAIN!!!

Here she is in the tunnel with Sophia.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Naked Baby

Here are some nakie baby pictures from yesterday. I took these for Tutu and her dear friend Kathy. Tutu is visiting Washington D.C. this week and will miss her Monday with Lily. So you go! We miss you!



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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Polliwog Park

At the beginning of February we had a weekend heatwave and went to the park with Lily. Here are some pics from the swings which she loves! There is a pond with ducks, but she wasn't interested.




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Friday, February 1, 2008

Tia and Lil

Here they are! Tia Raquel and Lily! I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more..we are so LUCKY to have Raquel. We LOVE her! All of us!

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Monday, January 28, 2008

New things!

So I don't have pictures of these things but this is what she's doing now:

1. pulling herself up to stand- I think she'll be walking when she sees Dave & Judy at the end of February or beginning of March (sorry you probably wont get to see her crawl)

2. holding her own bottle and sippy cup

3. her new cocktail is a bottle of breastmilk and whole milk (yep, we're weaning)

4. eating wheat & dairy (no sign of allergies)

5. laughing so hard at Maddy because Maddy is wearing one of those ridiculous cones

She loves animals...

Here she is playing with my parents new cat they adopted. Waffles was so good with her. He really makes Ludwig look like a bad big brother.

And no that's not Maddy in the background! It's Daisy...her twin!

Learning to crawl has really paid off!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Lasagna, Tofu, & Wheat germ

This is what she looks after she eats. She loves Tofu with wheat germ!

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sleeping with Daddy

On the weekends we like to put Lily back in bed with us now that she's older (so we can sleep longer). I took this last weekend. It is by far my favorite picture!

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

We've got a crawler!

It finally happened...she's on the move!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


A little late, but here you go! I am the one who opened all her gifts so there are no pictures of those. Sorry! But here are some highlights from the morning.

Here she is in a handmade gorgeous flannel Christmas dress.

Lily and Grandma

Uncle Jeff bought her a drum!

G-ma Donna (my G-ma Sue's friend) gave Lily a personalized onsie. So cute!
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

My cousin Ryan

I spent the morning today with my cousin Ryan. He is 6 years old and he was very good with me. Here are some pictures that my Uncle Robert took. My mom says we kind of look alike.

Good God! Look at those thighs!

Easy...Don't squeeze the Charmin!

See what happens when you squeeze me...
we fall over!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Christmas dress from Tutu

Jane bought Lily a dress for the holidays while she was visiting Olive in South Carolina. Lily just looks absolutely beautiful in it! She loves the camera!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Precious Snapshots

If I could capture some moments in time, these would be a couple of them.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Lily & Mom

Our friend Nancy took some pictures of Lily & me at the beach one morning because I don't really have any pictures with Lily since I am the one with the camera. Here is my favorite!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Lily's Thanksgiving Meal

I actually Made Lily's meal but she didn't care for it. I pureed the homemade cranberry apricot dish with turkey. Oh well, maybe next year!