How old is Lily?

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lily's convertible

Okay, so it's not really hers. It's Joey's. He let her borrow it to take for a spin. We may have to buy her a pink one. She LOVED it!!! Her eyes are closed on the last one, but it's still so cute!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Jeff and I played tourist this week while we were on vacation and it was pretty cool. We had a date at the Getty one day and went to Traveltown the next so Lily could see the trains at the park. Here are pics from the trains...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lily's Birthday!

Lily's first taste of sugar! I baked all 60 of the cupcakes from scratch and frosted them as well (from scratch). NEVER AGAIN!!!

Here she is in the tunnel with Sophia.